Needles: 2.25mm
Yarn: Fingering weight, at least 40g in two colors (for size small)
Level: Beginner
Size: Small=7-8"circumference, Medium=9-10" circumference, Large=11-12" circumference
Materials needed:
-2.25mm needles (can be 9”, DPNS or magic loop)
-fingering weight yarn in two contrasting colors
-tapestry needle
CO-cast on
SSK-slip slip knit
P2tog-purl 2 stitches together
K2tog-knit 2 stitches together
SL-slip one stitch
MC-main color
CC-contrasting color
Size S (M,L)
in CC CO 56,64,72 stitches
*K,P* entire row. Repeat for 15 rows
Colorwork repeat:
With CC K 2 rowsWith MC K 2 rows
With CC K 2 rows
With MC K2 rows
With CC K 1 row
Repeat colorwork section once more.
Cut CC and K 6 more rows in MC
Heel Flap:
Round 1: *Slp 1 purlwise with yarn in back, K1 * across 28 (32,36) stitches
Round 2: Slp 1 purlwise with yarn in front, *p remaining stitches*
Repeat round 1 & 2 for a total of 28 (32,36) rows
Set up rows
Slp 1 purlwise with yarn in back, knit 14 (16,18), SSK, K1 turn
Slp 1 purlwise with yarn in back, P3, P2tog, P, turn
Now repeat the following rounds:
Round 1: Slp 1 purlwise with yarn in back, knit to one stitch before gap, SSK, K1, turn
Round 2: Slp 1 purlwise with yarn in back, purl to one stitch before gap, P2Tog, P1 turn
Repeat until all stitches have been worked and you have 16 (18, 20) stitches left
When Knitting magic loop I like to cut the yarn and start back at the bottom edge of the side of the heel flap so I can have all of the foot stitches on one needle. But pick up stitches however you normally do/prefer.
Pick up and knit 1 stitch to close the gap with MC between the foot stitches and the heel flap.
Pick up 14 (16,18) stitches along the side of the heel flap, knit across the flap, pick up and knit down the other 14 (16,18) side stitches and pick up one extra to close the gap on the other side. Knit across top of foot.
If you have never picked up stitches after a heel flap and gusset I suggest checking out youtube for some tutorials. My Fav tutorials are by the Crazy Sock Lady.
Foot decrease:
Round 1: K1, SSK, knit to 3 stitches before end of needle 2 or marker (depending on how you chose to knit your socks) K2tog, K
Round 2: K all
Repeat until you are back to your original stitch count
Optional arch support:
Try on your sock to see how far down your foot it is so far after the decreases. Knit until you reach the highest point in your arch and on the bottom of the sock instead of knitting across work the following repeat for 10 rows
Row 1: *Slip 1 with yarn in back, K*
Row 2: K all
meanwhile knitting across the top of the sock as normal.
Make sure you leave enough rows to start your colorwork section before your toe decreases. If you do not know how many stitches you normally knit for the foot of your sock measure how long the colorwork section on the leg is and leave that much length before your toes decreases.
For me I know I need 54 rows before starting my toe decreases after working the gusset. So I know for rows 1-20 I knit as normal working required decreases, row 20-30 for arch support, row 30-54 colorwork section.
Knit until you are ready to begin your colorwork section. Repeat same colorwork pattern as on the leg.
Toe Decrease:
With MC
Round 1: knit all stitches
Round 2: K1, SSK, knit until 3 stitches remain on needle 1 or before marker K2tog, K1,SM or change to needle 2, K1, SSK, knit until 3 stitches before end of needle 2 or marker K2tog , K1
Knit until 16 (20, 24 stitches remain) Kitchener stitch together.