Meet Your Maker- Biskuits and Gravy

This week on MYM we have Lisa from  Biskuits and Gravy, a handmade resin artist. Lisa's art is so whimsical and unique and i'm obsessed (bet you can't guess which pieces of hers I love most..ha ha ha if you guessed her AMAZING skulls you'd be right!!  Definitely check her shop out for some amazing art.

Introduce yourself and your business.

Hi. I’m Lisa and my business is Biskuits and Gravy

How did you launch your business & what made you want to start a small business?

I just started an Instagram page and started connected with like minded people. I wanted to start a small business because I have a passion for art. I create so much I always have all these art pieces and no where to put them. So I thought hmmmm. Let me just try and sell some!

What are some struggles you had starting your business and how did you over come them?

The struggles were communications with people because I have social anxiety. But once I faced my fears and continued connecting with people it became second nature!

Where do you draw inspiration from?

My inspiration comes from living in the most haunted city in Florida... AKA St. Augustine. So I like to create creepy pieces to represent! Also I couldn’t stay away from my rainbow glittery roots because it breeds happiness. :)

What motivates you as a maker?

Seeing how far I can push the limits in my art. Seeing other people create outrageously beautiful art really motivates me to step my game up. So thanks for the inspiration!

What is a goal you set for yourself as a maker/artist and how did you achieve it?

Honestly I don’t really set goals. Makes me feel like I HAVE to do it. I just go with the flow and create whatever I’m feeling in the moment. No pressure.

What is your favorite part of being a maker?

My favorite part is the art community. Connecting with people who share the same dream as you.

Do you have any tips for new makers/ small business owners?

Just do what comes naturally. Don’t put pressure on yourself. Have fun. Don’t make it about money and make it about your craft!

What are some hobbies or interests you have outside of your small business?

I love the beach and finding sharks teeth. Taking a stroll down St. George street and find tasty restaurants with cool food to eat. Like macaroni and cheese bun burgers!

Share a fun fact about yourself.

Fun fact is im a twin and she likes to create too. I also like to break dance.

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