2)Sales! Check out the flyers BEFORE you decide your going to the craft store. Usually stores will put up the following weeks flyer the day before it starts. For example on Thursdays you can go look at the Micheal's flyer starting for Friday. Then you can decide if the deals are better on Thursday and you need to go that day before they end or if you want to wait til the next day when the new sales begin.
3)Have a specific project in mind before you go buy supplies. I know we are all guilty of going into a store and buying pretty craft supplies then getting home and going "I have no idea what I am going to make with this". You do not need to even have an exact idea but at least a general idea of what you want make so you can at least buy things that will be usable to you
4)Use what you already have. Before going out and buying a whole bunch of supplies go ahead and check what you already have. More often then not you will have exactly what you need and just forgot you had it. Also just doing a regular check in as to what stock you already have may spark some inspiration.
5)You don't necessarily need super expensive and fancy craft supplies to create something beautiful.A great place to find fantastic craft supplies...the dollar store. YES the dollar store, most will have a pretty decent craft aisle and I shop at them regularly. For my crochet/knit friends....i've even gotten yarn there..yes YARN at the dollar store. If you have never gone into a dollar store looking for craft supplies you really are missing out. You really can find some great products if you look.
6)Shop around online! I LOVE amazon. I have gotten many crafty things on amazon. Another favorite online shopping site is Wish. It can be a tad hit or miss and you usually have to wait a few weeks for the items to arrive but I have had pretty good success with them. Yes there have been the odd flop or two, but if you are willing to take the risk you actually find some good items on there.
7)Find other artists or makers who are willing to do trades/swaps with you. You know the saying "one man's junk is another man's treasure" Well that holds true with craft supplies lol. Have you ever bought something to then later on go "why did I buy this...." . Of course you have, we all have. Try and find a group of makers who do the same craft(s) as you and see if they want to do a supply swap!
I hope you find some of these tips and tricks helpful! I love crafting and think it should be something that is accessible to all. It's part of the reason I try my best to make patterns that can be made with any yarn so that people can use whatever they have on hard or can afford to buy. Happy Making :)